Cosmetic Surgery

Welcome to the web site of Crescenzo D'Onofrio Cosmetic & Recontructive Surgery specialist.

'When techniques and scientific developments are directed toward improvement in breast surgery, an ideal opportunity exist for restoration and improvement of the quality of achieve an artistic, gratifying result...a great source of satisfaction...". R.B.Noone, MD.

D'Onofrio's technique for breast reduction and lift involves some modifications to the "Owl" incisions, improving the plasticity and naturalness of result, with minimal scar.

The border between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery is apparent.

We rebuild tissues and function looking for harmony, which is "aesthetics"; also we perform cosmetic surgery looking for restoring the lost shape and function.

Cosmetic Surgery does not give happiness or life success yet allow us to achieve a better balance between our feeling and our appearance.

"Plastic surgery may not be for every woman, but for the right candidate it can fix what diet and exercise can't ultimately accomplish”. David Lickstein, MD.


My Info: Crescenzo D'Onofrio

             Mobile number  +254-714-222878     -    +39-348-4243382

             Karen Hospital: Tel. number  +254-20-882606


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